BALMASEDA, 1992 Irati Inoriza, artist and PhD student in Contemporary Art Research at the University of the Basque Country, specialized her studies at the Performance Atelier of the University of Brno (Czech Republic, 2014). Selected for the Generación 2024 Award at La Casa Encendida (Madrid) and finalist of the Premi Miquel Casablancas SAC (Barcelona) in 2023, was the winner of the IX Award for artistic production Fundación Banco Santander and Open Studio 2021/22. Her most recent work has been part of the exhibitions "Clima Fitness" in Intermediae-Matadero (Madrid) and "Waves, Ones, Olas" at Casal Solleric (Palma de Mallorca). Her work has been selected by the AZ-Alhondiga’s Babestu Program 2020/21, Barriek 2020 (Bilbao), INJUVE 2018/19 and Premio Exposición de Artista Casal Solleric 2018 (Palma de Mallorca) among others. Moreover, she has taken part in the exhibitions carried out at RAUMMG16 (Colonia-DEU, 2022), at Ateljéföreningen Hospitalet (Uppsala-SWE, 2022), LOOP Festival (BCN, 2020), Pablo's Birthday (NY, 2019), ZSenne Art Lab (Brussels, 2019), Centro Cultural Montehermoso (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2019), A-DASH Space (Athens, 2018), Bilbao Arte Fundazioa (Bilbao, 2016) or at Farm Cultural Park (Sicily, 2014), among others. She lives and works in Bilbao and is represented by Galeria Fran Reus |
Photography by Alvaro Chío